Federation News

All-Ukrainian Hand-To-Hand Combat Federation Сelebrates Its 28th Anniversary!!

December 23, 2021

On december 23 marks the 28th anniversary of the founding of the All-Ukrainian Hand-to-Hand Combat Federation!


Today, our Federation is a powerful sports organization that unites people, who not only love sports and strive to develop hand-to-hand combat, they are people, who can not imagine their lives without the development of sports, education and involvement of children and youth in healthy way of life, organization of sports and patriotic events, opening of new sections, trainings and teaching, popularization of hand-to-hand combat.


We are grateful to all those who made efforts to form and develop our Federation both at its origins and today! We are sincerely grateful to our colleagues and partners for their support. We are proud of all the athletes who have chosen hand-to-hand combat – a sport that unites!


Peace, new achievements and prosperity to all of our team! We sincerely believe that the success of hand-to-hand combat athletes will strengthen Ukraine’s image in the international sports arena. And the rapid level of development of our sport will become a flagship in the development of sports in our country.


Congratulations to all involved on this holiday!


There are many plans ahead and we will definitely implement them!