Training centers
Кубок Украины по рукопашному бою – 2011
The Ukrainian Championship with hand-to-hand combat has successfully completed!
A new Training and Methodological Manual for police officers has been developed
Successful holding of the Open Championship of the city of Kyiv in hand-to-hand combat
Success of Ukrainian athletes at the international tournament in the city of Westerlo, Belgium
IBF OPEN European Championship 2023
Championship Of Ukraine In Hand-To-Hand Combat Among Schoolchildren – 2022. Rewarding
Championship Оf Ukraine Іn Hand-Тo-Hand Fighting Among Schoolchildren – 2022. Duels
Championship Of Ukraine In Hand-To-Hand Combat Among Schoolchildren – 2022. Grand Opening
Hand-To-Hand Combat Is A Modern And Entertaining Sport In The International Sports Arena
Happy New Year 2022 and Merry Christmas!
All-Ukrainian Hand-to-Hand Combat Federation Achievements in 2021
All-Ukrainian Hand-To-Hand Combat Federation Сelebrates Its 28th Anniversary!!
Hand-to-hand combat tournament among youth in memory of servicemen and militiamen
Qualification exam of guards for the right to wear a beret with honors – a test in hand-to-hand combat
The State Bureau of Investigation honoured the winners of the Cup of the President of Ukraine in Hand-to-Hand Combat
The members of the National Guard were awarded the Certificates of Gratitude of the Federation
Minister Vadym Huttsait paid special tribute to the representatives of the Hand-to-Hand Combat Federation
Congratulations on the Day of Physical Culture and Sports!
Athlete from Chernivtsi became a Master of Sports of Ukraine in hand-to-hand fighting
Cup of the President of Ukraine in Нand-to-Нand Сombat – 2021. Rewarding
Cup of the President of Ukraine in Нand-to-Нand Сombat – 2021. Duels
Cup of the President of Ukraine in Нand-to-Нand Сombat – 2021. Grand Оpening
Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
The Cup of the President of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat was successfully held in Kyiv
Cup of the President of Ukraine in Нand-to-Нand Сombat – 2021. Weighing
The Cup of the President of Ukraine in hand-to-hand fighting will take place in the Palace of Sports
The second stage of preparation of the National Team in hand-to-hand combat for competitions has begun
The championship of the National Guard in hand-to-hand combat took place
Vinnytsia Regional Hand-to-Hand Fighting Federation joined the All-Ukrainian Military Sports Training
CSIT has to cancel the World Sports Games 2021
Selection of the preliminary composition of the National Hand-to-Hand Combat Team
The Council of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Hand-to-Hand Combat decided to convene the Conference
Official statement of the management of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Hand-to-Hand Combat!
All-Ukrainian Federation of Hand-to-Hand Combat launched its YouTube channel
Management of the Federation was awarded honors by the Joint Forces Command
The Cup of the President of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat will held on August 21
On August 21, in the Palace of Sports will host the Cup of the President of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat among the national teams of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, law enforcement and special bodies of the state
Athlete from Chernivtsi was awarded the title of Master of Sports of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat
We are proud of our awards and commendations!
Ukrainian National hand-to-hand combat team began preparations for the World Championship
Hand-to-hand combat Cup was held in Volyn (city of Torchyn)
Ukraine will celebrate the Coach day on July 19
Head of Chernivtsi branch of the Federation became the advisor to the Head of Regional council
Team of Kyiv city is among the leaders in the leaderboard
Hand-to-hand combat certification was performed in Kyiv city
The Federation is preparing for a large-scale competition for the Cup of the President of Ukraine
Championship of Ukraine Among Youth in Hand-to-Hand Combat. Rewarding
Ukrainian Youth Championship. Duels
Grand Opening of the Championship of Ukraine Among Youth in Hand-to-Hand Combat
Almost 700 young participants competed in All-Ukrainian championship in hand-to-hand combat
The Championship of the Administration of State Guard of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat was held
To the attention of athletes: Classification of titles in hand-to-hand combat
Yurii Radchenko took part in opening of the sports and recreation complex of the National Guard of Ukraine
Kyiv region formed a team to participate in the Championship of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat among youth
Ukrainian Cup and Junior Championship. Rewarding. “Easy contact”
Ukrainian Cup and Junior Championship. Rewarding. “Dosed contact”
Ukrainian Cup and Junior Championship – 2021. Duels. Day 2
Ukrainian Cup and Junior Championship – 2021. Duels. Day 1
Cup of Ukraine and Championship of Ukraine among Juniors in Hand-to-Hand Combat – 2021. Opening
Zhytomyr hosted the All-Army competition in hand-to-hand combat
Ukrainian Cup and Championship of Ukraine among Juniors in Hand-to-Hand Combat – 2021. Weighing
The Cup of Ukraine and the Championship of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat among juniors was held
The refereeing seminar on hand-to-hand combat started in Kyiv city
Meeting of the Federation Council was held
Championship of Ukraine – 2021. Day 2. Rewarding
Championship of Ukraine – 2021. Day 2
Championship of Ukraine – 2021. Day 1. Rewarding
Championship of Ukraine – 2021. Day 1
Meeting of the Presidium. February, 5
Championship of Ukraine – 2021. Weighing
25th Anniversary of All-Ukrainian Hand-to-Hand Combat Federation
A Cooperation Agreement Has Been Signed with the SBI
The Strongest Athletes Competed at the Ukrainian Hand-to-Hand Combat Championship
Hand-to-Hand Combat will Take Part in the VII CSIT World Games
The Federation Has Signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
The Federation and Desnianskyi District State Administration Have Opened a New Page of Cooperation
A Meeting of the Presidium of the All-Ukrainian Hand-to-Hand Combat Federation Took Place
Three more hand-to-hand fighters were awarded the title of the Master of Sports of Ukraine
Championship of Vinnytsia region in hand-to-hand combat among boys, juniors and girls was held
The Cup of Ukraine among adults and the Championship of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat among juniors rescheduled to May
2021 World Hand-to-Hand Fighting Championship in Ukraine!
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